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titleCan I change or add something in the Docker container, e.g. a plugin?

Yes, you can, but we recommend that you recreate the image.

titleHow to copy Files and Folder from Host to Docker container?

The command to copy files or foldes into a container is:


Copying a Plug-in-Folder My.Module.DoesSomething into the Modules folder /app/Modules:

docker cp My.Module.DoesSomething web:/app/Modules


web ist the container name

titleHow to copy Files and Folder from Docker container to Host?



Copying the Content of the Plug-in-Folder /app/Modules from the Container with the name web to the Host-Directory ./Modules_From_Container :

docker cp web:/app/Modules ./Modules_From_Container

titleHow to delete Files in Docker container?

docker exec <CONTAINER> rm -rf <YourFile>


Delete manifest.json file in Modules-Folder /My.Module.DoesSomething:

docker exec web rm -rf /app/Modules/My.Module.DoesSomething/manifest.json

Delete wwwroot folder in Modules-Folder /My.Module.DoesSomething:

docker exec web rm -rf /app/Modules/My.Module.DoesSomething/wwwroot

titleHow do I connect to MySQL or MS SQL or what is the hostname?

If Smartstore is started together with MySQL or MS SQL as services, the container name or the service name can simply be used as the host name.

Otherwise, detailled information about the container can be read out with the command docker inspect <CONTAINER>.


The MySQL container has the name mysql.

The command

docker inspect mysql

returns the following information, beside others:

Image Added

titleCan I also use an external (not Docker) MS SQL Server or MySQL Server?

Yes, enter the host name of the database server in the correct form. Possible examples are:
Specify the instance name: <INSTANCENAME>.
Specify the hostname: <HOSTNAME>.
Specify the IP address: <IP>.
Specify the IP address and the instance name: <IP>\<INSTANCENAME>.
Specify the host name and the instance name: <HOSTNAME>\<INSTANCENAME>.

titleWhere is the data stored?

Data is to be stored in volumes. Docker volumes store container data on the host.

In Docker Desktop, volumes can be set up in the "Optional settings" when starting images.

Image Added

As the name implies, the host path is on the host computer and the container path is in the Docker container.

Here is an example:

Image Added


If nothing is set up, data is stored in an "intermediate layer" in the container and is lost when the container is removed.

titleCan I also run several Smartstore instances?

Yes, but when running you have to map the container ports (443 and 80) with ports not yet used on the host. E.g. instead of 443 and 80, 444 and 8080, etc.

The mapping is done in Docker Desktop in the "Optional settings". On Linux or on the command line, the -p switch is used.

Mapping the TCP port 80 in the container to port 8080 on the Docker host:

-p 8080:80

Here is the complete command line call:

sudo docker run -p 8080:80

titleHow do I get the IP address of the Docker Container?

On Linux or on the Windows commandline, the command

docker inspect <CONTAINER>

returns the following information, beside others:

Image Added


titleCan I transfer my theme from version 4.2 to version 5?

Yes, copy the 4.2 theme folder to the 5 theme folder. In the 4.2 theme folder, rename the "Content" folder to "wwwroot".

Probably a restart is necessary after this. After that you can activate the "new" theme in the backend.


titleCan I update from any version number to Smartstore 5?

No, for an update Smartstore must first be updated to version 4.2.

titleIs an operating system cross update possible?

Yes, an operating system cross update is possible. A Smartstore 4.2 with a MS SQL database from a Windows server or hosting can be updated on a Linux server to Smartstore 5 and MS SQL for Linux.

titleIs a database cross update possible? That means an update from Smartstore 4.2 and MS SQL to Smartstore 5 and MySQL?

No, this is not provided



Can I transfer my theme from version 4.2 to version 5?

You copy the 4.2 theme folder to the 5 theme folder. In the 4.2 theme folder, rename the "Content" folder to "wwwroot".

