General Settings
System name: Name of the story
Targets: Determines the destination page(s) where the story will be displayed. (See Publishing options)
Publishing options
A story can be displayed in multiple widget zones and on multiple target pages at the same time.
To display your story on the desired page, make sure that at least one widget zone and target page have been specified, and that “Published” is also turned on. Widget zones determine the positioning of your story on the desired page.
Grid options
Cell spacing: Defines the spacing between the cells. Here you can choose between relative and absolute specifications. All possible units of measurement can be found under Size units.
Container: Defines the width of the outer container. (See Container sizes)
Content Container: Sets the width of the inner container. (See Container sizes)
Spread cells horizontally: Specifies how cells are distributed horizontally when the container is wider than all cells combined. (See Distribute cells horizontally - justify-content).
Spread cells vertically: Specifies how cells are distributed vertically when the container is taller than all cells combined. (See Distribute cells vertically - align-content)
Auto flow: (For advanced users only) Defines how the algorithm for automatic placement of elements proceeds. (See Auto flow)
Columns: (Only for experienced users) Here you can define columns manually. Simply enter the desired size and unit of your column. Separate individual entries with spaces. It should be noted here that editing the grid using the grid tools is more comfortable and intuitive.
Rows: (For experienced users only) Here you can define rows manually. Simply enter the desired size and unit of your row. Separate individual entries with spaces. Please note that editing the grid using the grid tools is more comfortable and intuitive.