You can edit the customer settings by going to Configuration > Settings > Customer Settings .
'Usernames' Enabled | Check the box to use user names for login/registration instead of e-mails. Warning: It is recommended that you change this setting in the production environment. |
Allow Customers To Change Their Usernames | A value indicating whether customers are allowed to change their user names. |
Allow Customers To Check The Availability Of Usernames | A value indicating whether customers are allowed to check the availability of user names (when registering or amending ‘My Account’). |
Registration Method | Determines the customer's registration method. In the Standard mode, visitors can register with no need to approval. In the E-mail Validation mode, the user must respond to a validation e-mail in order to active the account. In the Admin Approval mode, registration is subject to the administrator's approval. In the Disabled mode, registration is disabled. |
Allow Customers To Upload Avatars | A value indicating whether customers are allowed to upload avatars. |
Default Avatar Enabled | A value indicating whether to display a default user avatar. |
Show Customers' Location | A value indicating whether the customer’s location is shown. |
Show Customers' Join Date | A value indicating whether to show the customer's registration date. |
Allow Viewing Of Customer Profiles | A value indicating whether the viewing of customer profiles is allowed. |
Notify About New Customer Registration | Notifies the store owner when a new customer is registered. |
Hide 'Downloadable Products' Tab | Check the box to hide the ‘Downloadable Products’ tab on the page ‘My Account’. |
Hide 'Back In Stock Subscriptions' Tab | Check the box to hide the ‘Back in Stock Subscriptions’ tab on the page 'My Account’. |
Customer Name Format | Refers to the name format of the customer. |
Maximum Length Of The Customer Name | Determines the maximum length of the displayed customer name. |
Hide Newsletter Box | Check the box if you want to hide the newsletter subscription box. |
Store Last Visited Page | When enabled, the most recently visited page will be stored. Disable this option to improve performance. |
Default Password Format | Choose default password format. Please keep in mind that this setting will be applied only to newly registered customers. |