To support you developing plugins for Smartstore we've created a VS extension which will add a the skeletal structure of a plugin to your Smartstore solution.
You can find the extension by going to VS VisualStudio > Extensions > Manage Extensions > Visual Studio Marketplace > Search for SmartStore > Download
Defines the name of the project. The name should be choosen very carefully as it is used in various places (as object names ) like names for controller, service, domain, etc.
Defines the name of the author as it is displayed in the plugin list in the backend of the shop admin admins who are using the plugin.
Use this option if the plugin should manage additional data which will be gathered in depency dependency of existing entities like Product, Category or Topic. The option will add code to the plugin which integrates a tab into the configuration details pages of the aforementioned entities.
This option will add code to the configuration page of the plugin where the shop admin can choose a the widgetzone where the public output of the plugin (the widget) shall be displayed.