Run Smartstore Docker Image on Windows

There are a few ways to run Docker Images on Windows. The simplest is with Docker Desktop for Windows.

Download and install Docker Desktop for Windows from .

Docker Desktop after installation

Open a command line window by pressing the Windows key + R and entering cmd.

Enter the following command in the command line and confirm the execution with the Enter key:

docker pull

Pulling the latest Smartstore image

Now the Smartstore Docker image is available in Docker Desktop under Images. To start the image, move the mouse to the line of the entry and click RUN on the right.

The dialogue for creating a new container appears:

Then click on the down arrow to go to the Optional Settings. Click on the plus sign and map the local port 80 with the container port 80.

Now the container can be started with a click on Run.

Open any browser and enter localhost or the local IP address in the address bar. The installation start page of Smartstore opens.