Importing & Exporting Products

Documentation for SmartStore.NET 2.2

Importing & Exporting Products

SmartStore.NET allows you to import or export your product data in several formats. If you already have a database which contains the product catalog you want to sell online, you obviously would not want to enter all the data again manually, but to import it automatically. One common format for structured data is CSV (delimiter separated values). CSV exports can be edited by Excel for instance.


Data export plugins

A data export requires an export provider that tells SmartStore.NET how to format the data. Export providers are typically provided through plugins. They can be obtained in the SmartStore Community Marketplace.



You can export your product data to XML, CSV or PDF. With the PDF export, you can export the data of all your products or just the selected products into a visually appealing PDF catalog. For more information about the PDF format, read the topic Downloading as PDF.


You can import your product data by using an import profile. To create an import profile, go to Configuration > Import. For more information about import profiles, please read the topic Managing Import Profiles

The import profile let you upload CSV files that contains the catalog data to be imported. To import new products, the column name is the only mandatory field which must contain a value. If you want to update your existing product data, one of the fields SKU, Gtin (EAN), ManufacturerPartNumer or ID is mandatory and will be used to match an existing product in your catalog. If a product is found with one of these unique identifiers, it will be updated. If no product is found and a value exists in the name column, a new product will be created and the data of this line will be imported into it. For a complete list of values that will be imported, see the list below. 

How to format fields which contain IDs

Fields which contain IDs can contain multiple values that are separated by a pipe |.


ProductTypeId ParentGroupedProductId VisibleIndividually Name ShortDescription FullDescription ProductTemplateId ShowOnHomePage MetaKeywords MetaDescription MetaTitle SeName AllowCustomerReviews Published Sku ManufacturerPartNumber Gtin IsGiftCard GiftCardTypeId RequireOtherProducts RequiredProductIds AutomaticallyAddRequiredProductsIsRecurring RecurringCycleLength RecurringTotalCycles IsShipEnabled IsFreeShipping AdditionalShippingCharge IsTaxExempt TaxCategoryId Weight Length Width Height CreatedOnUtc CategoryIds ManufacturerIds PictureThumbPaths DeliveryTimeId BundleTitleText BundlePerItemShipping BundlePerItemPricing BundlePerItemShoppingCart BundleItemSkus AvailableStartDateTimeUtc AvailableEndDateTimeUtc StoreIds LimitedToStores 


Product images can be imported by URL. Multiple URLs can be separated by a pipe |.


If ImageUrls just contain file names or relative file paths, the product importer searches the folder of the import profile for image files. Example: For an import value of Content\MyImages\ProductPicture.jpg the product importer expects the file under \App_Data\ImportProfiles\name-of-my-import-profile\Content\MyImages\ProductPicture.jpg.


IsDownload DownloadId UnlimitedDownloads MaxNumberOfDownloads DownloadActivationTypeId HasSampleDownload SampleDownloadId HasUserAgreement UserAgreementText




Localized values can be imported for product names, description and full description. The language code within the brackets have to match the SEO code of a language that's activated in the shop.


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