Managing Blogs

Content is King is a commonly used phrase relating to search engine optimization, and it exists for a good reason. Google likes fresh content and gives a higher ranking to sites that are always creating new textual content. SmartStore.NET contains a system to manage your own blog, enabling you to create new content on a regular basis.


Creating Blog Posts


250px|Input FieldDescription
Language The language of this blog entry. A customer will only see the blog entries for their selected language.
TitleThe title of this blog entry.
BodyThe full description of this blog entry.
Allow CommentsWhen this option is selected, customers can leave comments about your blog entry.
TagsTags are keywords by which this blog post can also be identified. Enter a comma-separated list of the tags to be associated with this blog post.
Created On UTCAllows you to enter the date this blog entry was created so that you can organize the display order of your blog entries.
Start DateSet the news item start date or leave empty when this entry should be visible right away.
End DateSet the news item end date or leave empty when this entry should be visible permanently.

Search Engines (SEO)

In this tab you can enter specific SEO values for the blog post e.g. Meta titleMeta keywords or a SEO friendly URL alias. For more information about the fields in the Seach engines tab read the topic SEO.


In this tab, you can manage which store(s) the blog post should be published in. For more information about multiple stores, read the topic Working with Multiple Stores.


Managing New Comments

If you have allowed customers to leave comments on your blog posts, you need to review the comments and perhaps delete them. You can manage the comments to your blog posts by navigating to CMS > Blog > Blog Comments. In this section, you can see an overview of all the comments along with additional information such as the customer who created the comment, his IP address or the date the comment was created. You can also delete comments here.