Managing Stores
You can manage multiple stores in Smartstore by navigating to Configuration > Stores. For more information about working with multiple stores, read the topic Working with Multiple Stores.
The Store Details View
250px|Input Field | Description |
Store Logo | The logo of your shop. This logo will be displayed globally in the header section of your shop as well as in e-mails, pdf documents, etc. |
Store Name | The name of your store. It will be used in several instances e.g. to create meta-titles or to be displayed as the headline of your physical shop address. |
Store URL | The URL of your store e.g. |
Content Delivery Network URL | The URL of your CDN, e.g. or Setting this value will allow the site to serve static content such as media through the CDN. |
SSL enabled | Check the box if you want your store to be SSL secured. |
HOST values | The comma-separated list of possible HTTP_POST values (e.g. ","). This property is required only when you have a multi-store solution to determine the current store. |
ID of HTML body | Allows the use of the individual CSS and javascript for a store. |
Display order | The display order for this store. 1 represents the top of the list. |