

Search Engine Optimizing is a very important topic for online merchants. The more visitors you have, the more products you will sell. Smartstore is optimally prepared for this challenge. Out of the box Smartstore creates search engine friendly URLs based on the product name you enter when you create a product. Of course, you are free to alter it afterwards. The same applies to categories. Smartstore not only offers speaking URLs, but also allows you to enter and alter all kinds of SEO-related information (e.g. meta titles, meta descriptions or meta keywords).

General SEO Settings

You can enter global SEO settings by navigating to Configuration > Settings > General and miscellaneous settings > SEO settings. You can enter default values for the metadata that will be published with your website here. These values will be published on every page, except when they are overwritten by values entered at a deeper level, such as in the product details or the category page.

Products & Categories

You can edit and overwrite the global settings for the metadata mentioned above by navigating to the tab Seach engines (SEO) of a product or category. You can also alter the speaking URL that was created automatically.

Language SEO Settings

If you're targeting an audience in different languages, you need to consider some rules, so Google indexes your content in the local search for these languages. Smartstore takes care of that automatically, as it sets a lang tag in the HTML code of your shop that indicates which language the content is in. Also, your store will be accessed by different subdirectories, which contain the SEO code you've determined for the languages (e.g. /en or /de). 


There are too many features and functions in Smartstore.aimed at creating an optimal website from an SEO perspective to be able to name them all here. Aside from the ones mentioned above, the most important are as follows:

  • Optimized display for mobile devices: In some areas, over 50% of website visitors are mobile users. Google places great importance on providing a view that's optimized for mobile display. Therefore, Smartstore automatically recognizes the device with which your customers are visiting your shop and displays it in a view that's optimized for desktop or mobile display.

  • Feeds: There are several product feeds available for Smartstore to export your product data to price comparison portals such as the Google Merchant Center. For a full list of available export feeds for Smartstore, visit our Smartstore Community Marketplace.

  • News & Blogs: Content is King is a commonly used phrase when it comes to search engine optimization. This phrase exists for a good reason. Google likes fresh content and gives a higher ranking to sites that are always creating new and fresh textual content. Smartstore contains a system to manage news and blog entries to enable shop administrators to create new content on a regular basis.

  • and many more.



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