Current Shopping Carts
Current Wishlists
To analyze current wishlists, navigate to Sales > Current Wishlists. All current wishlists of your customers will be presented in a data grid. You can navigate to the user by clicking directly on the user, or you can take a look at the products that are contained in the wishlist by expanding the list entry with a click on the triangle next to the list item.
To analyze your bestselling products,navigate to Sales > Bestsellers. The 100 bestselling products will be presented in a data grid together with the total quantity sold and the total price paid for these products. You can also create reports for periods that interest you by choosing a Start Date and an End Date for the report or generate reports based on the Payment Status or the Order Status.
Products Never Purchased
To analyze products that have never been purchased in your store, navigate to Sales > Products Never Purchased. All products that have never been purchased in your store will be presented in a data grid. You can also create a list for periods interest you by choosing a Start Date and an End Date.