Product Examples

Documentation for SmartStore.NET 2.5

Product Examples

Getting a product with name "SmartStore eBay SmartSeller"

GET http://localhost:1260/odata/v1/Products?$top=1&$filter=Name eq 'SmartStore eBay SmartSeller'

Get child products of group product with ID 210

GET http://localhost:1260/odata/v1/Products?$top=120&$filter=ParentGroupedProductId eq 210

Get final price of product with ID 211

POST http://localhost:1260/odata/v1/Products(211)/FinalPrice 

 Note the post method. There is a second action, LowestPrice, which returns the lowest possible price for a product.

Assign category with ID 9 to product with ID 1


Use the DELETE method to remove an assignment.

Assign manufacturer with ID 12 to product with ID 1


Use the DELETE method to remove an assignment. Note that such navigation links are only implemented for a few navigation properties. Create an issue at GitHub to ask for more if you are missing navigation links.

It doesn't matter if one of the assignments already exists. The Web API automatically ensures that a product has no duplicate categories or manufacturer assignments.

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