Analyzing Customer Activity

Analyzing Customer Activity

When running an online shop you can optimize your shop by analyzing customer activity. 

Activity Log

You can analyze the activity log by going to Customers > Activity Log, where you can see all the activities that have occurred in your store. You can filter the activities for a certain date range, by customer e-mail or by Activity Log TypeThe Activity Log Types contain activities that happened in the backend (e.g. edit product or category) as well as in the frontend (e.g. customer has added a product to the shopping cart or customer has placed an order). By clicking on the e-mail address in the grid, you'll be directed to the customer details views of the customer for which the activity has been logged.


Online Customers

By going to Customers > Customers Online you can analyze which customers were visiting your store, which URL they've vistited last and the location they come from.

Customer Reports


By going to Customers > Customers Reports you can analyze the orders that were placed in your shop. You can filter the list for a certain date range, the order status, the payment status or the shipping status by setting the corresponding filter criteria and clicking the button Run Report. The tab Top 20 Customers By Order Total will display the filter results ordered by order total and the tab Top 20 Customers By Number Of Orders by the number of orders. The tab Registered Customers will show you how many customers have registered at your store in certain periods.


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