Viewing Low Stock Reports

Viewing Low Stock Reports

The product management system of SmartStore.NET comes with functions which enable you to keep track of your products' stock level. The system can be configured so that the stock will automatically be adjusted when customers purchase items from your store. As the shop administrator, you can choose from one or more of several actions when the critical stock level is reached (e.g. disable buy button). Of course, you have to reorder low-stock items (providing that they are still available from your manufacturer) so that you can resume selling them. Therefore, you will often face the task of determining which of your products have to be reordered. SmartStore.NET automatically provides a list of products that are low in stock.

You can view all low-stock products at a glance by navigating to Catalog > Low Stock Report. There, you will see all the products configured to Track Inventory, where the configured Minimum Stock Quantity is less than the current Stock Quantity. All of these settings can be configured in the Inventory-Tab of each product.

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