Community & Marketplace

Community & Marketplace

Smartstore Community

Get in touch! You want to discuss your need for new features with the developers of Smartstore?  You need help with the installation or the configuration of Smartstore? Our community is exactly the right place to get your voice heard!  Voice your opinion, get your questions answered, share your ideas and feedback, and help others!

All Forums at a Glance

General .NET

Discussion forum about topics such as frontend, administration, catalog, products and groups, import, marketing etc.

Installation & Setup .NET

Here you can ask questions regarding the installation and basic setup.

Design & Theming

This is about the store design and questions about theme templates.

Customize & Extend .NET

This forum is related to technical customization and extension of Smartstore

Smartstore Community Marketplace (SCM)

Smartstore is an Open Source Project and everyone is invited to participate, whether it be the reporting of bugs, the proposal of new features, the translation of resources, the development of plugins or the creation of new themes. The SmartStore Community Marketplace is the location where all the resources that were created for Smartstore are offered and can either be downloaded for free or be purchased.

All Marketplace Categories at a Glance


In this category, you will find payment plugins, export feeds, shipping plugins & much more.


If you want to give your store a different look, this category is the right place to look. 

Language Packs

You want to offer your product catalog in a language other then English or German and don't have the time to translate every textual resource yourself? In the category language packs, you can find all languages that were created for Smartstore. After you've downloaded them, you're just a few clicks away from seeing Smartstore in your preferred language.

More Information about Smartstore Extensions



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