Starting Polls & Votes

Starting Polls & Votes

Polls give you the possibility to analyze your customers' behavior by asking them directly about their preferences, wishes or plans for the future.

Usage Scenario

Imagine you're selling books. In that case, you may want to know which new book publications are most anticipated by your customers. For this purpose, you could start a poll where you ask them directly which of the releases in the near future they are most looking forward to. This way, you can make an estimate of the number of products you should order upon the date of publication.

Usage Scenario 2

Imagine you are running a business selling gardening accessories, and you want to know at which point during the spring season your customers start to sow and plant. In that case, just ask them directly with a poll. This way, you can estimate in which time period you will receive the most orders. 

How To Manage Polls & Votes

You can manage Polls by navigating to CMS > Polls. The Name of the poll which you specify in the Info Tab is also the question for which your customers should vote. By choosing the language of the poll, you determine for which of the available languages of your store this poll will be displayed. You can also determine a period of time for which the poll is going to be active. The answers from which your customers can choose and the order in which they will be displayed can be added in the Poll Answers Tab. If you activate the option Show On Home Page, the poll will be displayed prominently in the rightmost column of your home page.

Stores Tab

In this tab, you can manage which store(s) the blog post should be published in. For more information about multiple stores, read the topic Working with multiple Stores.

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