Managing Stores

Managing Stores

You can manage multiple stores in SmartStore.NET by navigating to Configuration > Stores. For more information about working with multiple stores, read the topic Working with Multiple Stores.

The Store Details View 

250px|Input Field


250px|Input Field


Store Logo

The logo of your shop. This logo will be displayed globally in the header section of your shop as well as in e-mails, pdf documents, etc.

Store Name

The name of your store. It will be used in several instances e.g. to create meta-titles or to be displayed as the headline of your physical shop address.

Store URL

The URL of your store e.g. http://www.yourstore.com/.

Content Delivery Network URL

The URL of your CDN, e.g. https://xxx.cloudfront.net or http://xxx.cloudflare.net. Setting this value will allow the site to serve static content such as media through the CDN.

SSL enabled

Check the box if you want your store to be SSL secured.

HOST values

The comma-separated list of possible HTTP_POST values (e.g. "yourstore.com,www.yourstore.com"). This property is required only when you have a multi-store solution to determine the current store.

ID of HTML body

Allows the use of the individual CSS and javascript for a store.

Display order

The display order for this store. 1 represents the top of the list.

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