Shipping Settings

Shipping Settings

250px|Input field


250px|Input field


Free Shipping Over "X"

Check the box to enable free shipping for all orders over ‘X’. Set the value for X below.

Estimate Shipping Enable

Check the box to allow customers to estimate shipping on the shopping cart page. If this option is activated, the order summary on the first checkout page renders a control which can be used by your customers to estimate the shipping costs. Usually, shipping costs can't be calculated on this page because the shipping address has not yet been entered. That's why the customer has to define several location-based values before the shipping costs can be estimated for his/her order.

Display Shipment Events

Check the box if you want your customers to see shipment events on their shipment details page (if supported by your shipping rate computation method).


Select country.


Select state or province.

Zip/Postal Code

Enter zip or postal code.