Order Settings

Order Settings

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Is Re-Order Allowed

Check the box if you want to allow customers to place re-orders.

Min Order Sub-Total Amount

Refers to the minimum order subtotal amounts.

Min Order Total Amount

Enter the minimum order total amount.

Anonymous Checkout Allowed

Check the box to enable anonymous checkout.

Terms of Service

Require customers to accept or decline terms of service before processing the order.

Disable "Order Completed" Page

When disabled, customers will be automatically redirected to the order details page.

Gift Card Activation Order Status

Gift cards are activated when the order status is pending, processing, complete or cancelled.

Gift Card Deactivation Order Status

Gift cards are deactivated when the order status is pending, processing, complete or cancelled.

Order Id

Set the order ID counter. This is useful if you want your orders to start at a certain number. This only affects orders created going forward. The value must be greater than the current maximum order ID.

Return Request Settings

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Enable Returns System

Check the box if you want to allow customers to submit return requests for items they have previously purchased.

Number of Days that the Return Request is Available

Set a certain number of days that the return request link will be available in the customer area. For example, if the store owner allows returns within 30 days of purchase, the number of days would be set to 30. In this case, logged in customers who are viewing orders in My Account would not see return request buttons for orders completed more than 30 days ago.

Return Reasons

A comma-separated list of reasons a customer will be able to choose when submitting a return request.

Return Actions

A comma-separated list of actions a customer will be able to choose when submitting a return request.

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