Additional Entity Information
Additional Entity Information
Some entity information cannot be provided together with the entity response, for instance if aggregation is required. These information can be retrieved through the endpoint Infos
POST http://localhost:1260/odata/v1/Orders(145)/Infos
The response is a composite model with the following properties:
- HasItemsToDispatch: Indicates whether an order has items to dispatch.
- HasItemsToDeliver: Indicates whether an order has items to deliver.
- CanAddItemsToShipment: Indicates whether an order has items to be added to a shipment.
The order item entity also has this endpoint with a similar response model.
POST http://localhost:1260/odata/v1/OrderItems(389)/Infos
- ItemsCanBeAddedToShipmentCount: The total number of items which can be added to new shipments.
- ShipmentItemsCount: The total number of items in all shipments.
- DispatchedItemsCount: The total number of dispatched items.
- NotDispatchedItemsCount: The total number of not dispatched items.
- DeliveredItemsCount: The total number of already delivered items.
- NotDeliveredItemsCount: The total number of not delivered items.