


Blocks are an essential part of the Page Builder. All content is displayed using blocks. Depending on the desired content, different blocks are available.

  1. Text: Displays text in a formatted way. Furthermore, the text block can display buttons, icons, backgrounds, effects, and more.

  2. Image: Displays a single image. The image block is best suited for displaying an image without text.

  3. Product list: Presents products in a list, a grid, or as a slider. A manual product selection or a merchandise group selection determines the products to be displayed.

  4. Categories: Similar to the product list, this block lists merchandise groups.

  5. Brands: Similar to the product list, this block lists manufacturers.

  6. IFrame: Displays external pages within an IFrame.

  7. Gallery: Presents images in a list, grid, or as a slider.

  8. Video: Displays a video. The MP4 format should be stored here, as this format is supported by almost all browsers.

  9. YouTube: Integrates YouTube videos by storing a YouTube ID or URL.

  10. SoundCloud: Integrates SoundCloud audio streams.

  11. Google Maps: Displays a location using Google Maps.

  12. Blog: Displays entries of their blog.

  13. Trusted Shops

  14. News: Displays entries of their news.

  15. Newsletter: Offers customers the option to subscribe to your newsletter.

  16. Poll: With this block you can create short surveys.

  17. Content Slider

  18. Code: Used to include your own JavaScript, HTML or CSS code. IntelliSense (auto-completion) supports the work here.

  19. ViewComponent: This block is intended for developers. Using the ViewComponent block, you can include your own modules.

  20. Story: Inserts already existing stories as an atomic block. In this way, you can easily and quickly create very extensive and large stories, which are composed of several smaller stories.

All these blocks have the same basic settings, such as background and effects. You can learn more about the basic settings under Block basic settings. You can also learn more about the individual blocks under Block-specific settings.

Note: Keep in mind that some blocks, such as Video or Google Maps, as well as block effects, do not display content in Edit mode. To view all content, switch to Preview mode.

For a video about the blocks in the overview, see: Smartstore CMS Page Builder: Die Blöcke im Überblick

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