Installing Smartstore

Installing Smartstore

Before you install Smartstore on your server, make sure your server meets the prerequisites. If you don't have a default webspace from a hosting provider and need to configure a server yourself, you need to create a site or an application within IIS. This site or application has to run in an application pool which is configured to use the .NET Framework 4 in Integrated Pipeline mode. After downloading the latest release of Smartstore and extracting it into the prepared directory of your site or application, you need to make sure the following list of files and directories have write permissions.

  • App_Data

  • Content

  • Media

  • Plugin

You can also give the parent directory write permissions

How to Build the Source Code

If you've downloaded the source code version of Smartstore you need to build the solution before you can upload it onto your server. For more information about this topic please read How to build Smartstore.

Open your favorite browser and navigate to the site. The Smartstore installation page will be displayed.

In the Store Information section, provide all the necessary store admin user information as per the description in the table given below. 



Example Value



Example Value

Admin User Email

Refers to the e-mail address of the admin user for the store.


Admin User Password

Refers to the password of the admin user.


Confirm the Password

Refers to the password re-entered for confirmation.


Primary Language

Refers to the primary language of the store.


Media Storage

Refers to the storage type for your media files. The available options are Database and File System . Select File System if your database does not provide enough disk space (<500 MB). Otherwise, Database is recommended. You can change this setting once your shop is installed in the administration area.


Create Sample Data

Specify whether you wish to create sample data or not. It is better to create sample data so that you can easily model your store data based on this. Therefore, it's recommended that you keep this option checked.


Once you’ve entered the information in the Store Information section, scroll down to the Database Information section.

In order to complete the installation, you must provide the information related to your database server or database connection string. Please contact your ISP if necessary. In case you’re installing on a local machine or server, then you might need information from your  System Admin .

Database Information

In the Database Information section, provide all the necessary database details as per the description in the table given below. 



Example Value



Example Value

Option to choose the SQL Server

Specify which type of data storage or database you wish to choose. The available options are

  • Use built-in data storage (SQL Server Compact) – Ideal for standalone and occasionally connected data;

  • Use SQL Server (or SQL Express) Database [Recommended] – Ideal for creating relational databases;

The most recommended option is using SQL Server (or SQL Express).

Option to choose the method for providing connection details

Specify which method you wish to use in order to provide the database connection details. The available options are

  • Enter SQL Connection Values – Manually enter the SQL connection parameters such as source database name, user name, password, etc.

  • Enter Raw Connection String (Advanced) – Enter the connection string that includes the source database name, and other parameters needed to establish the initial connection. 

In the example, SQL connection values are manually entered.

SQL Server Name

Refers to the name of the SQL server.

Database Name

Refers to the name of the database.


Option to choose to log on to the database server


Specify which option you wish to use in order to log into the server. The available options are

  • Use SQL Server Account – You need to provide SQL server account details.

  • Use Integrated Windows Authentication – This option can be used if you have Integrated Windows authentication details and this is enabled by default for Windows Server 2003 operating systems.

In the example, the SQL Server account is used to log into the server.


SQL User Name

Refers to the user name to log into the SQL Server database.


SQL Password

Refers to the password to log into the SQL Server password.


Option to create database or use existing

Specify which option you wish to use for the database. The available options are

  • Specify whether you wish to create a database from scratch.

  • Specify whether you wish to customize an SQL server collation.

In the example, an existing SQL Server database is used.

Once you provide the complete database information, click Install. A message box asking you to confirm the start of the installation of Smartstore will be displayed. If you click on confirm, Smartstore will start installing your store. Once the database is built and all plugins are installed, the installation will be completed successfully and a success message will be displayed.

Your Smartstore shop is now ready to be customized. 

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