How to Install an Extension

How to Install an Extension

After you have completed the purchase, you can download the extension in its details view for an unlimited amount of time within the SmartStore Community Marketplace. The download will be carried out as a file with the extension .nupkg if it is a theme or a plugin. In case of a language pack, you download a file with the extension .xml.
When you've downloaded the extension on your computer, you install it by visiting the admin area within your SmartStore.NET Shop.



Choose the menu item Plugins->Manage plugins and click on the button Upload Plugin. Choose the nupkg file you've downloaded in the SmartStore Community Marketplace and click on Upload & Install. The plugin has now been installed and can be configured in the plugin management area.


Choose the menu item Configuration>Themes and click on the button Upload Theme. Choose the nupkg file you've downloaded in the SmartStore Community Marketplace and click on Upload & Install. The theme  has now been installed and can be configured in the theme management area.

Language packs

Choose the menu item Configuration->Regional Settings->Languages. If you haven't yet created the language you want to import, create it by clicking on the button New and visiting the details view of this language. Here, you need to click on the button Import Resources. Choose the xml file you've downloaded in the SmartStore Community Marketplace and click on Import Resources. The language can now be chosen within your shop by your customers as long as it has already been activated.

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